Thursday 1 March 2012

Driving in Auckland

Today was my first driving experience in Auckland. I drove all the way into Uni and back and didn't get lost or kill anyone once! I did nearly forget that in NZ if you are turning left and there is a car on the opposite side of the road turning into the same street, then you must give way. Apparently this ridiculous rule ends in 3 weeks time, and NZ will become like the UK where you have priority turning left. I'm looking forward to seeing the figures for the number of accidents and near misses increasing dramatically. My mode of transport was a battered old Nissan Bluebird, but it served the purpose so I can't be too mean.

I was a little concerned about parking as they will tow you for anything here, and the tow companies are not regulated so they can charge as much as they like for release of the car. I've heard that they even have 'spotters' that will watch you park, and will call a tow company for the slightest infringement. I got back and the car was still there though..... this time.

The definite highlight of today was a raspberry and pineapple Calipo which tasted remarkably like a fruit salad chew, and two amazing looking chocolate bars which I fully intend to test this evening. 

I'm hoping the cookies and cream Kit-Kat Chunky will be a good enough substitute for the peanut butter ones, which I can't find over here :( I shall report back on these delicious-looking bars of paradise tomorrow!


  1. The Bluebird looks to be a classic, capable of turning heads. However, go easy on the chocolate bars as the suspension may not be what it used to be.

    1. It's a real rust-bucket, and the only heads it turns are those belonging to the Police - how is it still roadworthy?!

  2. Mail me some. Before it gets too warm ;)

    1. e-mail me your address and I'll see what I can do...

  3. Cookies and cream kit-kat chunky! Just going to close my eyes and imagine .............

    1. It was phenomenal. I shall bring some with me on my return

  4. women driving ???!!!!!! your missing the jumpers xx

    1. You'll get a slap when I get back! I'd also like to take a moment to ask you who out of the two of us has had to visit the garage for repairs?! I'm not missing the jumpers... not at all in fact. I have better things to be doing, like eating, drinking and sunbathing.... but keep me updated, I like to know all the 'fun' I'm missing out on ;) xx
