Thursday 22 March 2012

My New Digs

That's me, finally in my new place! I managed to persuade a couple of blokes from the uni to come up on Saturday and help me move my furniture in.... I say furniture - all I have is a bed! I then took a couple of days to move my clothes and bike up and had my first sleep in my new bed on Monday. I have to say it's really comfortable. I bought it off Trademe and hired a trailer to pick it up, I've never actually driven with a trailer before so I can now tick that off my list of 'things to do before I die'. Must be a pretty dull list if that's on there right?!

This is a picture of my new bedroom, well only the bed could fit on. It's really very small, but if you want to live in the city centre you have to make the compromise (unless you have lots of money) to downsize. I do have 2 double wardrobes and an en-suite bathroom though, and there's plenty of space under the bed for storage. It's in a really good area, so I can't be too critical.

It's a really short walk into uni and into town, and I found a great little sushi bar that does a happy 'hour' from 7-9pm. Why that's called a happy hour I'm not quite sure. It means half price sushi though so they got something right, because that makes me very happy! I'm also right next to the Vector Arena, and Taylor Swift was playing the other night. I believe that Lady Gaga, Radiohead, and Florence and the Machine are all due to play this year, so looking forward to the free concerts! It's taking me a while to get to sleep at the moment because of all the noise from the traffic, I suppose this is something I'll get used to though, or I could just buy earplugs! Here is the view from my balcony, with the tennis court below and the vector arena lit up towards the right hand side. As you can see, I'm right next to the road, and quite a busy one too.

On Tuesday I went up to the Anatomy Department to try and beg for work, but it seems they are desperately short of demonstrators. All of their current demonstrators are radiology registrars from Auckland City Hospital and are in the process of learning their anatomy too. That means I'm officially the most qualified there.... I don't think I've ever been able to say that before! Their anatomy museum is phenomenal, they have so many specimens and all displayed in beautiful cases, with lots of little study areas available for you to sit and look at everything. I can see myself spending a lot of time in there! My first day of anatomy demonstrating went a bit pear-shaped though. They are having renovation work done and one of the workmen turned off the air conditioning in the lab, that meant the formaldehyde levels were too high and the lab had to be cancelled. Of course being the newbie I had to take the blame! I walked back to my office all disappointed, but that all disappeared once I discovered the sushi bar that is literally a 1 minute walk from my building. It's self service, delicious, and reasonably priced, and now I know it's there I shall be making regular visits!

I have an exciting week planned next week - some anatomy demonstrating (hopefully this time), I will have the opportunity to practice my suturing skills, and I get to go into the Auckland City Hospital operating theatre. I'll learn how the electrodes we use (to measure the electrical current) are placed on the stomach, and how all the kit works. Looking forward to it already, and will keep you all posted.

Right, time for bed now. I've been to the apartment complex gym this evening, did bit of cycling and a few lengths in the pool, and finished off with a lovely sauna. I think I'm going to like it here...

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