Tuesday 6 March 2012

Flat-Hunting Success!

So, after just a week of searching I have managed to locate and snap up a room in an apartment in the centre of Auckland. The room comes with an en-suite (so no fighting for the bathroom each morning), and the apartment complex has a gym, sauna, swimming pool and tennis courts (no need for a gym membership either). I'll be living with two other girls in the Parnell area of Auckland down by the quay, and just a 15 minute walk to work. I've also heard there are tonnes of bars and good restaurants in the area, and that I'll be near the gorgeous Mission Bay beaches and the ferries for the various islands surrounding the centre of Auckland. It seems that without even knowing it, I've done pretty well! Not sure when i'm moving in, but it'll be pretty soon, so pictures to follow. I'd love to take Bella and Boots (a Maine Coon) with me, but no pets allowed :( It'll also mean I can leave my seat unattended for more than a minute and not come back to find a cat on it.

I've already got my weekend sorted, planning to head to the Pasifika Festival - an event held annually in one of the local parks to celebrate the Pacific Islands. There'll be traditional singing, dancing, arts and crafts, and most importantly FOOD! Apparently each island has it's own little village and you can wander round the park and visit each one. You can click on the link below for a brief overview of what islands are involved and a short timetable. I'm looking forward to it already, there's going to be heap of pictures on here afterwards!

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