Friday 16 March 2012

'Working from Home'

So, today being a Friday (and a sunny one at that), I thought I'd work from home. Usually on a Friday morning I go cycling with the woman I'm staying with, and a few of her friends. It's always a nice pace, and we stop half way round for a coffee and a natter. I then get a shower and decide to either work from the comfort of the deck or sometimes the dining table. Today however, that was obviously never going to happen. It's not that I don't enjoy going into work as I do have a window with a pretty good view, and if I lean a little to my left I can even see the Skytower!

My day has actually been really unproductive, work-wise at least. I had my first full webcam-based Skype chat with my mum so that was pretty exciting. I got an excellent view of the living room ceiling on several occasions, but apart from that it went quite smoothly! After that I had a bit of breakfast (a beautiful boiled egg from Dorothy) and then decided to cycle to the beach near us, called Point Chevalier Beach. It's lovely and sandy and great for swimming. Even thought it was a nice day it wasn't that crowded which was good.

My plan for tomorrow is to move into my bed into my new flat, and hopefully take a few clothes with me too. I guess Sunday will be spent shipping my bike and the rest of my bits over. When everything's sorted I'll have to get a few pics of the new pad. I'll definitely miss Dorothy's eggs though, do you think the landlord will allow pets?!

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