Wednesday 9 July 2014

The Eden Garden

Mum came and visited over Easter, so I thought I would put a few of our travels up on the blog. We had quite a few adventures in New Zealand's North Island, and we also spent some time in Fiji. I thought I'd try and do it in chronological order, but to be honest, it was that long ago, I've forgotten what we did when! To make sense of it all I've decided to group the New Zealand stories together, and then will move on to Fiji afterwards. We had a brilliant time together and I look forward to her next visit, where we can have some more adventures!

First stop on the North Island tour is the Eden Garden.The garden is located close to the centre of Auckland has has a number of attractions including waterfalls, a number of plant collections, and fabulous views of the harbour and city. We arrived early in the morning and headed straight for the cafe. I had French toast with bacon, grilled banana and maple syrup, and mum had a full English. Both were delicious. In fact, I thought it was the best French toast I'd ever had. I good enough reason to go back I think! 

After our huge breakfast, we had a (very slow) wander around the garden. Unfortunately over Easter (Autumn) there weren't too many flowers in bloom, but at least the hibiscus were out in force. There were so many different shapes and colours, too many to show all the photographs,so I have selected the most interesting ones for the blog. I've also included one of the cafe area and the waterfall, and a couple of the view from the top of the garden. Pretty spectacular I think you'll agree!

I think I shall visit the garden again, but probably over the spring/summer period when more of the plants will be in flower. I certainly can't rule out another visit to the cafe before that though!

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