Thursday 8 May 2014

Long Time No Post

It's been around 3 months since my last post, so it's time to get back into it. I've been pretty busy both with university and Mum's visit in March/April, but it's starting to calm down a bit now, and I have more time in the evenings. The good thing about leaving it so long between posts is that I now have loads of good stories to tell! I'll try and put them in chronological order, but there are no promises....

So, I'll start with February, and Chinese new year. Auckland has a huge Chinese population which means the Chinese new year celebrations are always fantastic - plenty of fireworks and good food. Every year the Auckland Lantern Festival is held in one of the parks (Albert Park) in the city centre, and signals the end of the Chinese new year. The festival features a number of lanterns hand made by the Chinese community, which are displayed for a total of four days. Thursday is the 'lantern-only' day, and then Friday, Saturday and Sunday also have entertainment such as dancing, martial arts displays and live music. Unfortunately I was only able to go on Thursday as I had Coastguard duties at the weekend, but at least I was lucky enough to go and view the lanterns. I think that each set of lanterns tells a story, but I'm not too sure what some of them were - you'll have to make your own minds up! Below is a selection of some of (what I deemed to be) the best lanterns. Enjoy!

As you can see, the lanterns were amazing. Very intricate, and some great designs. I'll definitely be attending the entertainment days next year to see some of the dancing and costumes, and hear the music.

Now to have a look through my collection of photos and decide what to write about next.

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