Sunday 26 August 2012

Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP)

This Saturday I had been roped into working a Coastguard night shift, 7pm-7am. I suppose I can't complain too much as I get paid for it, and it's pretty easy money (nobody ever seems to boat at night!). I was planning to have a nap during the day on Saturday as I figured that it would prepare me for staying awake for the full 12 hours overnight. I also decided that the best way to make me sleep during the day would be to tire myself out in the morning. 

I got up at about 5am and went to the apartment complex gym, and did a bit of rowing and swimming. When I returned, I found a text message from one of my new housemates (yes, I found a place to live, but don't move in for a couple of weeks yet - will keep you updated!) asking if I would like to go Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) with her and some friends. What a perfect way to wear myself out a little bit more! 

I got picked up by my friend Isabell and her partner Gigi (also a new housemate) at about 9.30. We drove to Point Chevalier and stopped outside a local surf shop. I remember the layout of Point Chevalier well as this is where I first stayed when I arrived in NZ. We popped in the shop and started loading the boards onto the roof-rack of the car, and as we did so, some of Gigi's friends arrived to join us. Gigi is French and so were his friends, so there was lots of cheek kissing and nattering in French going on as we continued to load the boards. After everything had been secured we drove a short distance to Point Chevalier beach and got ready to get out onto the water. It was an absolutely glorious day, but a little windy. Isabell had loaned me a wetsuit top as I figured that I would probably be spending a substantial amount of time in the water, and didn't want to get cold. It was also excellent protection from the sun, as despite slathering myself in suncream I thought it would probably get washed off if (I really mean when) I fell in.

We had rented the boards for 2 hours, and decided to start off with the toughest part of the journey - heading against the wind and the tide. I started by kneeling on the board, to get a feel for the water, but eventually plucked up the courage to stand up. It's a bit like surfing where you have to do it in one swift movement, rather than one foot and then the other. I had thought that this would be the point where I fell off.... but so far so good.

Isabell had brought the dog (Spyro) along with her for the paddleboarding. Apparently he hates being left on his own, and would rather stand/sit on the paddleboard for a couple of hours than be left on the shore. I was very impressed with how well behaved he was, and look forward to having lots of cuddles with him when I move to the new house.

We continued paddling for about an hour and half up towards the harbour bridge. It was really tough going, but I enjoyed the exercise. I managed to get all the way without falling off, apparently an impressive feat! Once we had reached the hour and a half mark, we decided to stop for a brief rest and a photo opportunity. Unfortunately, as we lined up the boards Spyro thought that this was a good chance to 'abandon ship' and go and visit everyone else on their paddleboards. I was right at the end of the line, and he took great delight in wandering across all the boards to say hello, stopping at everyone on the way past. It was quite funny when a slight gap appeared in the boards and he plopped his bum into the sea. After that experience, he decided that it was probably sensible to just stay on Isabell's board!

After having our photos taken we decided to turn back. It was MUCH easier paddling downwind and downstream! There were a couple of occasions where after getting too close to Isabell's board I gained a passenger in the form of Spyro, but he just stood there and wasn't much bother. By this point though I was getting pretty concerned that I would probably fall in soon, so decided to give Spyro back to Isabell. As luck would have it, I managed to make it all the way there and back without going for a dip so when we got back to the beach I was nice and warm and dry. The same couldn't be said for a couple of the others though who had lost their balance and ended up in the water. We took the boards back to the shop, and Isabell and Gigi dropped me back home. After a brief shower, a bite to eat and a short cake-baking session (I had decided to make a chocolate orange cake for myself and the other Coastguards) I went to bed and slept like a baby for several hours.

I had an absolutely fantastic time, and Isabell and Gigi have promised to notify me again the next time they go. I was a little bit achey in the shoulders on my night shift, but managed to survive through consuming copious amounts of food. The duty officer had brought in a lovely home made moussaka, one of the other personnel provided a delicious salad with feta cheese, and I of course had brought in a chocolate orange cake. Needless to say none of us went hungry overnight!

Right, time for me to go and have a few hours sleep before planning what to do with the remainder of  my Sunday. 

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