Tuesday 14 August 2012


Last weekend was a fairly busy Coastguard weekend so I didn't have time to get out and explore like I normally would.... so this is going to be a pretty boring post unless you like Coastguard stuff! On Saturday I completed a 'flight following' course, which basically means that I am qualified to handle radio calls from Westpac Rescue. Westpac is a bank that sponsors one of the rescue helicopters that is based by the Coastguard Operations Room. The helicopter is basically a flying ambulance, and is run by the hospital. We just look out for them when they are flying over the water in case they get into difficulty. After passing my exam at the end, we all got to go and have a look at the one of the helicopters.

We were all climbing around on them and playing with all the gadgets, when all of a sudden an alarm went off. Fortunately it was just because they were being called out to a job, and not because we had touched something we shouldn't have! The helicopter got taken out to the helipad by a small tractor, and then took off a few minutes later. The picture below shows it sat by Deodar, the police helicopter.

In addition to the helicopters, one of the rescue vessels from Maraetai was visiting and so I took a picture of that. It's apparently one of the newest in the Auckland fleet.

I'm afraid that's all the news for last weekend, pretty boring really. I hope to have more exciting stuff to tell  this weekend. I'll probably be doing a bit of flat-hunting (as our lease runs out in September), and will try and get to Kelly Tarltons too (Auckland's aquarium). I will make sure I get loads of photos!

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