Wednesday 31 December 2014

Budapest Part I

So.... I think I'm finally starting to catch up with the blog - we're now up to August! This is part one of my trip to Hungary, where I stayed in Budapest. I was in Budapest to attend a conference, but of course, had a few days either side of the conference, to explore. My accommodation was in the city centre which meant it was very easy to explore most of the interesting sights on foot. The first night I was in Budapest I walked down to the Danube and took a few pictures of the bridges in the area, the first being (in English) the Liberty or Freedom Bridge, which looked beautiful lit up. The second was an at-distance shot of the Chain Bridge and Buda Castle, which I then took a close-up image of . There was also a very grand looking hotel which I liked, so thought I should have a photo of that too. Just a shame I wasn't staying there!

The next morning I walked back down to the waterfront and took some daylight images of the Gellert Hill Cave, which now functions as a church. In the past it was used as a chapel and monastery, and also as a field hospital for the Nazis during World War II. All the walls are carved out of natural rock, and it certainly was quite a sight to behold.

I also took some more general images of the waterfront, and after climbing to the entrance of the Gellert Hill Cave (close to the large cross is in the picture), I took a couple more images of the Liberty Bridge and Chain Bridge. I also got some great shots up the Danube, and the weather was beautiful.

I remember this exploration day in particular because I went for a wander to find a nice cool drink and managed to stumble across a (very) small vintage car museum. Now a car museum is nothing new, but when it's located in what looks like an abandoned shopping arcade in the middle of nowhere, it is all a little strange! There were cars and motorbikes on display, but only a few of each as the 'shopping arcade' was quite small. I chose to put the pictures of my favourite vehicles on the blog, but there were a few others to see. I definitely would not have found it (there was no advertising whatsoever!) had I not been on the prowl for a drink, but I'm glad I did, as it was quite interesting.

Budapest part II to follow.....

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