Wednesday 19 November 2014

Fiji Part I

I've recently come to realise that I am now horrendously behind with my blog, and with an imminent trip to Queenstown, I should probably get on with it! I apologise in advance for the sudden influx of posts after such a long period of stasis...Oh well, better late than never I suppose!

While mum was visiting in April (yes, I really am that far behind!), we took a relaxing break in Fiji for 10 days. We stayed at the Hilton, in an apartment overlooking the beach. The apartment was pretty big, with a good-sized bedroom and bathroom (with large bath, rainfall shower, laundry facilities, and a small kitchen/living room. We also had balconies connected to both the bedroom and the living room, with the main one housing our very own BBQ. The kitchen had it's very own coffee machine (and barista - me), and we were given some beautiful-smelling toiletries each day. The highlight though was definitely our plunge pool, which was great for cooling off. 

The Hilton itself is built on a man-made peninsula (Denarau Island) reclaimed from mangrove swamps, so the sand wasn't as white as expected. It was still nice to be overlooking the beach though, and the sea was so warm. It was like sitting in a warm bath; kind of weird really as you expect it to cool you down!

One evening we went and had dinner in the resort restaurant, and were lucky enough to catch Fiji Night. It was a traditional Fijian buffet dinner followed by entertainment by Fijian dancers and singers. They were absolutely brilliant, it was just a shame the lighting wasn't good enough for decent photos, so I only managed to get a couple of blurry ones. I think you can still see the traditional dress though, which was also amazing.

I don't think any holiday photo album would be complete without some pictures of the sunset, and the Fijian sunset certainly didn't disappoint. One evening I sat on a sun-lounger and snapped some beautiful pictures of the sun disappearing behind one of the local islands. The colours were phenomenal, and it may have been one of the most captivating sunsets I have ever seen.

Fiji part II to follow.....

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