Sunday 17 March 2013

Cook Islands II

I thought I'd start with some snorkelling stories.... I say stories, they're mainly pictures. I don't believe my words would do it all justice, in fact I'm not sure that my camera did either. The water was crystal clear and the colours of the fish were amazing. The fish so inquisitive that I could practically reach out and touch them, and they regularly brushed my legs and arms while swimming. I also saw a couple of coral snakes, which swam away from very quickly! Apparently they are more afraid of you than you are of them, but I didn't like to test the theory. Below are a few images of the many fish I saw, I'm not sure what they are all called, but I do know two types of  trigger fish (first and second image - I saw loads of these), zebra fish (third image), butterfly fish (fourth image), and the moray eel (fifth image). The others I don't know the names of, but thought I'd post some pictures of them anyway.

I also got some good photographs of some interesting types of coral, and a really cool starfish. 

As well as the amazing snorkelling, the sunsets were also fantastic. I got some brilliant photos, with both Yogi and some of the locals included. I think they are probably my favourite pictures of my time in Rarotonga.

That's about all for now, had quite a busy weekend so having an early night. Will update you on my antics from this weekend on the next post. Until then......

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