Saturday 23 June 2012

Tamaki Drive

Last night I went out with a few friends from the Anatomy Department and we had cocktails followed by a delicious Thai meal. Needless to say this morning I didn't really feel like doing too much, but knew I had to as Saturday was supposed to be the only nice day this weekend. I think it's supposed to chuck it down for the next few days, possibly into next weekend too :(

After managing to haul myself from the comfort of my bed, I decided it was probably best to get some fresh air. I usually walk out towards the west of Auckland, so this time decided to opt for the east. There is a long road called Tamaki drive which runs right beside the sea and out towards Mission Bay and St Heliers Bay. 

I arrived in Mission Bay after around an hour or so of walking and discovered a really pretty fountain, and the Mission House which used to house school young Melanesian men and train them to become missionaries. In the 1920s it was turned into a flight school and many of New Zealand's pilots were trained there. Mission Bay itself was lovely, seemed to be quite trendy and cosmopolitan. It also has great transport links, a beautiful beach, and lots of different restaurants and bars. Definitely somewhere I would consider living in the future.

After stopping briefly at Mission Bay for a drink of orange juice and a nosey around some of the shops I walked around to the next bay which is called St Heliers Bay. It's just a pretty, and just as trendy. The beach looked fantastic, has a great view of Rangitoto Island and is probably packed in the summer. I have a funny feeling that Mission Bay and St Heliers aren't going to be cheap places to live!

At this point I decided it was probably be best to start making my way back home as it was about 3.30pm and it starts to get dark at about 5pm. I didn't want to walk back the way I had just come so decided to do a giant loop through St Heliers, a place called Orakei (there's not much here so didn't take any pics) and back on to Tamaki Drive. Some of the houses I passed on my way back to the sea front were phenomenal, definitely in the millions of dollars price range. 

By the time I arrived home it was around 6pm and I was absolutely shattered. I had a bite to eat, and then thought I should probably take a couple of pictures of my new Coastguard uniform for you all to see. It's nowhere near as exciting as the UK one. You only get given one polo shirt and then I think you get to chose as to whether you would like a fleece or a jumper, but that's all. It might be different if I decide to go on the boats, I expect the crew might get a bit of extra kit.

Well, off to bed now for some much deserved rest. Don't expect I'll be doing much tomorrow because of the rain, but at least I'll have a delicious roast chicken dinner to look forward to :)

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