Sunday 13 May 2012

Pizza by the Metre

This has been a pretty uneventful weekend. Due to work and Coastguard commitments, I've had very little time to do anything fun :( On Saturday however I did cash in on my Yazoom voucher for a metre of pizza from Toto Pizza. Their website claims it uses only the freshest ingredients and is produced in the traditional Italian style. I must admit that I was a little sceptical, as I thought the 'metre pizza' might be 1 metre by about 5cm, but I was blown away! I was even excited just looking at the size of the box - it took up over half of the bench I was sat on :) I also purchased the obligatory can of Mountain Dew and some white chocolate Reese's Cups for pudding.

I realised that shortly after arriving at the harbour with my giant pizza box, I'd made a huge mistake.... As soon as I'd sat down it was like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's 'The Birds'. I think I had half of Auckland's total bird population watching me. The seagulls were pretty timid though so I managed to keep them at bay, and I didn't have an elephant to keep my eye on this time either! I know you're all salivating in anticipation at what is in the box, so I'll just give you an ingredients run-down before I show you the pizza. It was a D'oro pizza, with caramelised onions, champagne ham, mozzarella, cream, rosemary and parmesan. I think that's enough of the teasing now..... Time to unleash the beast!

It was the biggest pizza I have EVER seen, and it tasted phenomenal! I was just sorry that I could only manage 4 out of a possible 16 slices. I hardly made a dent in it... very disappointing. At least breakfast, lunch and dinner is sorted for the next few days! The seagulls didn't get crumb of it either, I very carefully closed the box after each slice. To put what I actually have left into perspective, I took a photo of it once I had carefully cradled it through the streets of Auckland.

Now you've all finished licking the screen, I'll move on to my other story (only interesting really if you are a car enthusiast). I went back down to the viaduct again on Sunday as I wanted to visit the fish market and see if they had anything I was particularly desperate for. I didn't see any fish I needed, but picked up a couple of pots of hummus that were reduced, so not a wasted journey. It certainly wasn't wasted when I came out of the fish market to return home. A couple of weeks ago I had my photo taken with this Maserati, and I thought it was pretty impressive.....

So imagine my delight when I exited the fish market to find a Shelby GT500 parked on the side of the road! I would definitely take the Shelby over the Maserati any day! I just wish I could have met the owner and asked him/her to take me for a spin. It seems I should hang out at the viaduct more often!

Right, enough of looking at things that I'll never be able to afford. Time for some anatomy revision for tomorrow - the flexors of the forearm. I think I might just have a slice of pizza while I work....

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