Tuesday 10 April 2012

Rangitoto Island

Today, since I didn't really do much over the Easter weekend, I decided to take a trip to a small nature reserve off the coast of Auckland called Rangitoto Island. I got up nice and early and walked down to Auckland Ferry Terminal and caught the 9.15am ferry to Rangitoto. I got a lovely snap of downtown Auckland while departing the port.

The ferry then stopped at Devonport and picked up a few more passengers, then headed on to Rangitoto. Rangitoto Island is basically a dormant volcano; it doesn't have any soil, just lava fields, but still has thick forest covering it. There are a lot of walks you can do to see various things, your only limit is the last ferry back to Auckland!

The first walk I completed was a trek on a nice smooth and quite flat road out to McKenzie Bay and the Beacon Lighthouse. It took me through the mangroves for about an hour but was well worth it in the end. The beach at McKenzie bay was gorgeous, but I didn't have my bathers :( Something to remember for next time though!

After stopping for a drink I took the summit road to the peak of the volcano. This track was steeper,  the scenery wasn't quite as nice, but it was the only way up. Once I got to the top (after a lot of hard work) the views were breathtaking across to Motutapu Island. You could also see the islands of  Motuihe and Waiheke. 

Just when I thought I'd reached the summit, I noticed more steps! I followed them right up to the top where there is a lookout over the volcanic crater itself (which is covered in bush). There was also a great view of Auckland and the Harbour Bridge, so I'm quite glad I found more steps!

After taking in the views I went back down to the main track and headed off towards Islington Bay and Yankee Wharf. Again, the scenery consisted of black lava fields, forest, and traps (they're trying to eradicate the rats, mice and hedgehogs from the island), but Yankee Wharf was great. I decided to stop and have my lunch and take in the scenery looking across to Motutapu Island. I saw a few people on the boats, but nobody invited me aboard for a glass of wine :(

After a brief rest it was time to head back for the ferry. I took the coastal path (about 2 hours) which was pretty tough going. It was quite rocky, undulating, and covered in thick forest. I did see quite a few skinks though, and some weird looking mosses, so not all bad!

I got back to the ferry at about 3pm, absolutely exhausted and ready for a sit down! There are still some things that I need to do on Rangitoto as there just wasn't enough time to complete everything. There are some lava caves which you can wander round (I didn't have a torch, so didn't really want to risk it), and there is Boulder Bay which has the nickname 'Wreck Bay'. I don't know whether you can actually see any shipwrecks, but I'll have a look next time. I'd also quite like to look at the Mine Base - a WWII military site, and possibly walk across to Motupatu via the causeway. 

Anyway, my limbs are aching and I'm absolutely shattered so it's definitely bed time for me. Pity I don't have any deep heat, as it'd be REALLY useful right now!

1 comment:

  1. Some excellent photographs and really good idea of what the islands are like. Sounds exhausting though!
